Structural techniques include a set of techniques for working with a support mobility device. Muscle stretching, deep muscle massage, mobilization of joints or bone joints (improvement of movement). Not all of these techniques cause severe discomfort to the patient. At work with muscle, patients often describe pain as “good pain” or as “pleasant pain”. During the massage of the joints, you can often hear clicks, similar to the sounds of fingering with your fingers. These bites are safe and are often relieved by the patient.
Structural osteopathy studies the work of the musculoskeletal system. From the point of view of biomechanics, pathologies are considered: vertebral subluxation, bone displacement, joint diseases; tension imbalance in muscles, fascia and tendons, including the structures within them. All violations cause local manifestations in the form of tissue swelling and pain due to irritation of the nerve endings.
Structural osteopathy and manual therapy are effective in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, recovery of the body after exercise, heavy physical activity, injuries and stresses, which are also related to the physiological conditions of the body (including during pregnancy). In chronic pathologies, there is a prolongation of the remission period and a clear improvement in the general well-being of the patients.