During this massage I use different techniques together (classical, therapeutic, Thai, visteral osteopathy) with deep breathing, which in itself triggers the natural processes of healing, relieves tension. There is a feeling of freshness and freedom in the body, the humoral effect is manifested by an increase in the activity of hormones and bioactive enzymes. Improves memory and attention regulation. The energy field of the patient is one and the energy field of the masseur is the other, in order for the two energies to get used to each other, it is essentially 3 massages ones a week. Before the first session you have to drink more clean water(IL/30KG), isn`t recommended to eat 2 hours before therapy.
- Muscle tension, muscle soreness;
- Decreased joint mobility;
- Wrong posture, poor posture;
- Tension headaches;
- Slow blood and lymph circulation;
- Circulatory disorders;
- Delayed intestinal peristalsis;
- Accumulation of fluids and residues in the body;
- Tired skin and dryness, wrinkles;
- Difficulty breathing;
- Weakness of the immune system;
- Mild increase in blood pressure;
- Feeling unwell, depressed;
- Sleep disorders;
- Nervousness, moderate stress;
- Mental imbalance;
- Fatigue from mental work;
- Decreased attention.
- acute heart, kidney and liver failure;
- tumors (even suspicion);
- fever (massage releases even more unwanted toxins into the body);
- lupus and emphysema;
- thyroid disease and too high or too low blood pressure;
- tuberculosis and others. infectious and inflammatory diseases (including inflammatory joints and organs);
- acute trauma, purulent wounds, bleeding, risk of thrombosis or embolism venous inflammation (massage may be performed in other areas);
- dilation of advanced blood vessels;
- pregnancy (no massage of the abdomen, during the first three months – risk of miscarriage);
- large birthmarks and hematomas in the massaged area;
- active mental states;
- some skin diseases (contact dermatitis, fungi);
- edema (lymphatic massage required);
- alcohol or drug intoxication.
For all chronic and acute conditions and postoperatively consult a doctor.
Leyla Lasberg Massaažiteraapia OÜ
Paldiski maantee 14-36, 10149 Tallinn, Estonia
Reg. nr.: 16215139