Aromatic massage is a massage performed with essential oils, which is suitable for relieving stress, mental and physical overload. Smooth, stroking massage techniques have a calming effect. The effect of skilfully selected essential oils on the body’s function can also be felt in the days following the massage. The absorption of essential oils is selective, independent of human skin type and condition.
- mental fatigue
- circulatory and lymphatic system disorders
- muscle tension
- urological inflammations
- unpaid
- do not massage with citrus oils before sunbathing
- pregnancy
- 3 months postoperatively, thyroid disease
- allergy
- tumors
- inflammations
- fractures
- fever
- swelling
- skin diseases
- heart disease
- not massaged during menstruation
- asthma
- extreme stress
Leyla Lasberg Massaažiteraapia OÜ
Paldiski maantee 14-36, 10149 Tallinn, Estonia
Reg. nr.: 16215139